The SerialGuard® sensor lets you monitor your most critical legacy assets at the lowest level for superior data integrity and visibility

Designed for Industrial Control Systems, SerialGuard® is a high-performance, fully passive, serial packet sniffer that enables secure visibility within vulnerable legacy networks. The fail-safe sensor passively monitors Level 0 and Level 1 serial communications between field devices and controllers and with the Cynalytica AnalytICS Engine Platform can reveal and help alert traffic anomalies that are indicative of a cyber-attack, physical-attack, or system misconfiguration.

The SerialGuard sensor:

  • Collects serial communications data completely passively – physically unable to write to line
  • Maintains serial communications in event of loss of power to sensor – Fail-Safe Operation
  • Supports Protocol Agnostic RS-232 and RS-485/422
  • Sends Encrypted Data to AnalytICS Engine
SerialGuard mockup made in USA

The Cynalytica AnalytICS Platform in Action

Detecting Malicious Data and Advanced Attacks

Detecting Malicious Data and Advanced Attacks
(False Feedback Attacks & Other Malicious Data)

Serial Communications Asset and Configuration Change Management

Serial Communications Asset and Configuration Change Management

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

Nozomi Networks & Cynalytica Solutions Brief

ICS Serial Network Attack Scenarios Detecting Malicious Data

ICS Serial Network Attack Scenarios

Download the SerialGuard AnalytICS Platform
Value Proposition

SerialGuard mockup - made in the USA

Enables ICS Operators to Detect Modern Cyberattack Techniques

SerialGuard® installs in-line between field devices and controllers, enabling ICS operators to detect modern and commonly employed cyberattack techniques:

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Captures interceptions and alterations of serial communications between field devices and controllers which go otherwise undetected
  • Unauthorized Commands: Captures messages that instruct field devices to perform outside their expected functionality
  • Reconnaissance: Enables operators to detect suspicious probes through the captured data packages
  • Insider Threats: Captures all communications between field devices and controllers, enabling operators to detect unauthorized commands by malicious insiders

Industry Integrations

SerialGuard® can be deployed across all industry verticals that utilize legacy field devices, including many critical infrastructure sectors listed by the US Department of Homeland Security. Typical industry integrations include:

  • Electrical power generation, distribution, and transmission facilities
  • Refineries and other oil-and-gas production facilities
  • Water infrastructure and gas transmission infrastructure
  • Maritime Transportation Systems (MTS)
  • Nuclear reactors, materials, and waste sectors
  • Railway and mass rapid transit systems
  • Chemical production plants
  • Industrial and manufacturing plants